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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Tourism industry alarmed by water rationing in Durban

Budget constraints hinder naval operations
Johnny Gill
Ntuzuma 2 Reservoir & pump station 
Basic Education Minister Siviwe Gwarube.
Serial rapist Nkosinathi Phakati has been handed multiple life sentences.
Judge Stuart Wilson
The funeral of Lithembelihle Bambela, Iminathi Bambela and Live Ndudane.
Premier Phophi Ramapthuba
MTN 8 final
South Africa, Durban. Seafront.
DURBAN – Businesses are sounding the alarm about the potential harm that planned water restrictions will have on tourism this summer.
eThekwini ratepayers are also concerned by the prospect of water rationing, which is set to come into effect next week.
eThekwini’s water curtailment comes as it prepares for the holiday season.
READ: Durban faces 12 months of water rations
More than 1.3 million visitors are expected to descend on the metro this summer.
So the water rations have the tourism and hospitality sectors worried.
